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Careprost 3 ml of 0.03%


Careprost Eye Drops 3ml is a prescription medication used to treat ocular hypertension, open-angle glaucoma, and hypotrichosis of the eyelashes. However, the applications listed here are not exhaustive. Other conditions may justify the use of this medicine at the decision of the doctor.

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  • Careprost Eye Drop is a medication that is used to treat glaucoma and excessive eye pressure in people. If the pressure in your eye is too high, it might harm your vision and lead to blindness. It works by facilitating fluid flow from the interior of the eye into the bloodstream.
  • Careprost Eye Drops is effective for both adults and children and can be used alone or in conjunction with other eye medications to decrease pressure. To get the most out of this medication, follow your doctor’s recommendations and take it on a regular basis. If you stop using it, the pressure in your eyes may rise, causing vision loss. Before using a bottle for the first time, be sure the seal is intact. If you wear contact lenses, make sure to remove them and wait at least 15 minutes before replacing them.
  • Conjunctival hyperemia and eye irritation are the most prevalent adverse effects of this medication. Consult your doctor if you experience any adverse effects. They may be able to advise you on how to reduce or avoid certain side effects, or they may offer an alternative therapy. Do not drive if your vision is impaired or if you experience any changes in your eyesight for an extended period of time. This is generally a temporary side effect.

1 Bottle/s, 2 Bottle/s, 3 Bottle/s, 6 Bottle/s, 10 Bottle/s


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